Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009

eBox Installation Guide

eBox Installation Guide


eBox installer

In case you want to install eBox in a new machine from scratch, we recommend you use our tailored Ubuntu installer, it will install Ubuntu Hardy, ebox packages and all its dependences automatically.

It is available here. You just need to burn it into a CD, then insert it on a CD-ROM unit and reboot your PC (Your computer BIOS must have its CD Boot option enabled).

The installation takes two steps. First, it boots from CD and starts the installation. Once it’s rebooted, you should boot from the recently installed eBox with the CD installer inside the drive to finish the process.

Ubuntu packages (stable)

If you already have an Ubuntu Hardy installed, add to your /etc/apt/sources.list this line:

deb hardy main

Now we’ll run:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install "^ebox-.*"

Ubuntu packages (testing)

Test our latest packages and give us some feedback and you will be helping the project a lot. If you are up for it, go add these apt sources:

For Hardy

deb hardy main

For Intrepid

Yeay! We already have working packages for the current Ubuntu release!!

deb intrepid main

Installing from sources

If you want to install ebox from the source packages of this server, it’s recommended to read each installation instructions from INSTALL file of each module.

Accessing eBox

Once “eBox platform” is finally installed, we can access it from a web browser, writing the IP adress we configured before the installation on our system. Please remember, eBox uses HTTPS to access management interface. Default password for eBox administration interface is ebox