## Path: System/Kernel
## Description:
## Type: string
## Command: /sbin/mkinitrd
# This variable contains the list of modules to be added to the initial
# ramdisk by calling the script "mkinitrd"
# (like drivers for scsi-controllers, for lvm or reiserfs)
INITRD_MODULES="processor thermal fan"
## Type: string
## Command: /sbin/mkinitrd
# This variable contains the list of modules to be added to the initial
# ramdisk that is created for unprivilegd Xen domains (domU); you may need
# drivers for virtual block and network devices in addition to filesystem
# and device-mapper modules.
DOMU_INITRD_MODULES="xennet xenblk"
## Type: string
## ServiceRestart: boot.loadmodules
# This variable contains the list of modules to be loaded
# once the main filesystem is active
# You will find a few default modules for hardware which
# can not be detected automatically.
## Type: string
## Default: ""
# The file name of a binary ACPI Differentiated System Description Table
# (DSDT). This table is appended to the initial ram disk (initrd) that
# the mkinitrd script creates. If the kernel finds that its initrd
# contains a DSDT, this table replaces the DSDT of the bios. If the file
# specified in ACPI_DSDT is not found or ACPI_DSDT is empty/not specified,
# no DSDT will be appended to the initrd.
# Example path /etc/acpi/DSDT.aml
# You can also override Secondary System Description Tables (SSDTs).
# Add DSDT and SSDT files separated by spaces, e.g. "DSDT.aml SSDT1.aml"
# The files must be named DSDT.aml and/or SSDT[1-9]*.aml.
# For compatiblity reasons, if only one file is added it is assumed it is
# the DSDT and will be used as such, in future the above naming scheme
# will be enforce.
# Be aware that overriding these tables can harm your system.
# Only do this if you know what you are doing and file a bug on
# bugzilla.kernel.org so that the root cause of the issue will get fixed.
## Type: string(yes)
## Default: ""
# Skip doing a minimal preparation of the /usr/src/linux source tree so
# that most header files can be directly included. If set, /usr/src/linux
# will not be touched.